Tag Archives: staff
Pre-camp Shopping Trip

Reid Broadstreet, Joel Becker, and Luke Beecham display their cart items at the local Walmart during our last-minute shopping trip. Included: tiki torches, watermelons, and citronella candles, among other camp-related things. Camper ETA: 4 hours. Yikes! We better get back to the campground… (click thru for vid)
Summer Camp 2011 Staff Night

Camp has officially begun for the staff! Today we arrived around 2pm and had our pre-camp meeting in the coolness of the air-conditioned cafeteria. After Edna’s pizza and Small Compline, we headed to the (hot) pool for some evening swim time. The heat was a little unbearable so we had a little time to just hang out in our cabins. In the staff cabin we decided to run through some new songs we’re teaching this year, so we had Emily Farison with the violin in our company. Here’s a clip of Joel Wilson, Tim Barnes, and Luke Beecham listening to … Continue reading
We Have Hit 100!

We have hit the 100 mark! We currently have 70 campers registered (last year we only had 47!!) and 30 staffers. It’s been a LONG time since we had 100 people at camp. In fact, this year will be the first year in over a decade that we will be holding worship services in the basement of the Bloomington House, since we won’t be able to fit in Old Bethel. That’s sort of sad since a lot of campers will miss the nice, stoic, rustic feel of the 100-year-old chapel. However, most campers don’t remember when we used to do … Continue reading
Staff Photos

Monday was the first full day of camp, and it allowed campers to get into the groove of the schedule and the way camp is structured. The staff started the day with the obligatory cup or two of coffee during the morning meeting, which was accompanied by the soft pitter-patter of rain on the roof of the screened-in porch. After discussing our plans for the day and getting ourselves mentally into the role of counselor, we prepared ourselves spiritually by meeting the campers for morning prayers. After a hearty breakfast of bacon and eggs (and cereal and fruit and toast … Continue reading