Wednesday Evening Dancing

This year we continued the tradition of dancing to Irish music and teaching the campers the semi-complicated, but not impossible, Virginia Reel. Every camper that was physically able took part, and judging from the video posted below, it would appear that they all immensely enjoyed it. I have to be honest, I was a little jealous that I had to record the event and could not take part, but then we wouldn’t have this wonderful footage, would we? So in the end it’s a win-win-win situation. We’ll be heading to Mitchell Manor today and hopefully we’ll have some good video to past later. For now, enjoy these excellent videos:

Prisoner's Base

Last night we had a lovely dinner of penne alfredo, green beans, breadsticks, and dirt pudding, followed by praise time and an all-camp game of Prisoner’s Base, which could be explained as a hybrid of tag and capture the flag. After the game the campers had delicious water melon, lots of H20, and gave a few interviews about their experience. Here is a smattering of videos from last night, including praise time, several live-action Prisoner’s Base clips, and finally one of the post-game interviews. Hopefully we’ll get audio from the teachings up later today.

Prisoner’s Base

Last night we had a lovely dinner of penne alfredo, green beans, breadsticks, and dirt pudding, followed by praise time and an all-camp game of Prisoner’s Base, which could be explained as a hybrid of tag and capture the flag. After the game the campers had delicious water melon, lots of H20, and gave a few interviews about their experience. Here is a smattering of videos from last night, including praise time, several live-action Prisoner’s Base clips, and finally one of the post-game interviews. Hopefully we’ll get audio from the teachings up later today.