Event Details
Event Phone: 317-910-2797
*To avoid potential registration issues, please make sure you are using the latest version of your browser (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Safari). If you have trouble on one browser, please try a different browser. *ALSO, PLEASE BE SURE TO COMPLETE THE FORM SWIFTLY; TAKING A LONG TIME CAN CAUSE ISSUES, TOO.* If for any reason you continue to have trouble, please contact us. We sincerely apologize for any trouble!*
**Please remember to register your child for camp right away, even if you are still waiting on assistance!!!**
Scholarships: – Saint John’s Camp knows how instrumental and formative camps can be for our youth. Our campers walk away impacted and renewed in their love for God and the people they interact with on a day to day basis. We do our best to make sure that a potential camper is not deprived of this experience because of financial reasons. We offer partial scholarships on a first come first served, per-needs basis. If you are in need of a scholarship, please request one using the form below. If no scholarships are available (rare), we will work out a payment plan with you so that your child can still come to camp! If you are unable to pay for part or all of camp, PLEASE don’t skip registering simply based on monetary constraints;there are donors who contribute to the camp Scholarship Fund every year specifically so kids do not miss out.
Process for requesting a scholarship: Saint John’s Camp Programs makes it a priority to make funds available for every camper who wants to attend our camp programs. Funds are limited, so we ask that potential applicants be mindful of this. It is expected that you will have sought out other resources before requesting a scholarship from the camp. Prior to requesting a scholarship from Saint John’s Camp Programs, please first speak with your home church about about assistance for camp registration fees. If you have any questions about the process, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please use the form below to apply for a scholarship for the St. John’s Camp program for which you are registered. Scholarship applications will be processed by the St. John’s Camp Board finance committee, and will be awarded as funds are available, on a first come, first served, per-needs basis. **The Camp Board also requires that all campers who receive a scholarship of any amount write a general thank you letter that can be passed on to our generous donors.** Application does not guarantee a scholarship. A Camp Board member will contact you as soon as possible regarding your application, once a determination has been made.
**Please remember to also register for camp right away, if you have not already done so, even if you are still waiting on assistance, as we will need a registration to credit the scholarship award to!!**
Begin your registration by selecting a ticket below……..