Author Archives: Luke Beecham
Monday & Tuesday Teachings (Audio)
Prisoner's Base
Last night we had a lovely dinner of penne alfredo, green beans, breadsticks, and dirt pudding, followed by praise time and an all-camp game of Prisoner’s Base, which could be explained as a hybrid of tag and capture the flag. After the game the campers had delicious water melon, lots of H20, and gave a few interviews about their experience. Here is a smattering of videos from last night, including praise time, several live-action Prisoner’s Base clips, and finally one of the post-game interviews. Hopefully we’ll get audio from the teachings up later today.
Matt's Magic Show
It's Coming! It's Headed Right For Us!
Name that movie. I’ll give you a hint: it was exclaimed by the great Philip Seymour Hoffman. If you guessed Capote, you’re… wrong. Regardless, camp is coming! I write this sitting at my desk in downtown Indianapolis on Friday afternoon before camp. This day couldn’t take any longer. In exactly 24 hours I will be driving through the hills of southern Indiana making my way through town after town, each one smaller than the last, until I reach the glorious gates of old Camp Rivervale. If you’re on staff, you will be journeying alongside me. If you’re a camper, you will be coming down Sunday, and we will be anxiously awaiting your arrival…
Teachings & Singing
Luke gave a teaching entitled “Growing Up” for the second teaching block on Wednesday. Audio from the teaching was recorded (along with audio from all of the teachings) and will be included in the camp packets distributed at the end of the week. There was also some amazing singing and praising on Wednesday, probably some of the best singing we’ve ever heard at camp. Pictures from both events are included in the following photo set.
New Blog Design & Twitter Presence!
We here at SJOCP value technomolology. That’s why we’re pleased to present our Twitter page to you: With the blogging and the photos and the video and the Tweets it is almost like you are actually here with us at camp for the week. Speaking of blogging, look around at our shiny new blog design. It has way more features and a design face lift for your enjoyment. You can also see our latest Tweets over there on the right just in case you don’t feel like going all the way over to Twitter’s website.
Camp '08: Arrival
Sunday saw campers from all over the world (ok Midwest) arriving for camp registration in eager anticipation of the exciting week to come. Luggage was unloaded, bunks became occupied, bathrooms were stocked with toiletries, and friendships were begun. “It’s finally here!” were the words expressed through the eyes of many campers. For the benefit of the first-time campers and familiar faces alike, introduction activities commenced immediately, including camp orientation, followed by ice-breaker games in the tabernacle, followed by Edna’s pizza for dinner, and rounded out nicely with some quality singing and praise time. This was probably the most enthusiastic opening … Continue reading
Thursday & Friday – Camp Comes To A Close
Thursday brought us two wonderful teaching sessions in the morning, one by Fr. Zachariah and the other by Sdn. Luke, as well as a flurry of activity during the afternoon as everyone prepared their (no) talent for the evening’s main event. This year provided so much good material that we actually had to think about putting a cap on the number of skits. Who are we kidding? We could never do that. From the “foot-phone” to the crazy alter boys to the land of “Rivervalia”, we have never seen no talent like this before. Don’t forget the actual talent portion … Continue reading
Tuesday & Wednesday
Deacon Joseph Matusiak and his family arrived safely on Wednesday morning. He led a teaching session entitled “The world is evil, cry for your sins and repent, and have a piece of chocolate”. It was an excellent teaching that was very relevant for the campers (and the staff) and we can’t wait to have him back next year for even more of the good stuff. We have the audio from his teaching, as well as most of the others, and we’ll be able to post them shortly after camp is over. We were very blessed to have him among us … Continue reading