Author Archives: CROMS
“Breathe” Music & Lyrics
“In Christ Alone” Music & Chords
“Mighty To Save” Music & Chords
“Christ Is Risen” Music & Chords
Wednesday 2011 Virginia Reel

Wednesday, a.k.a. “Visitor’s Day” has come to a close. Today was the hottest day yet, which is why having the morning teachings in the air-conditioned dining hall is so nice. This morning we had the pleasure of Tim Barnes followed by Randy Evans for the teaching blocks. It was great to have Randy Evans back on camp grounds. It was the first time in 12 years!
Morning Teachings Audio pt 1

Here are audio recordings of the teachings of Monday through Wednesday, including a teaching by Fr. James Ellison, Fr. Joel Weir, Fr. David Wey, Tim Barnes, and Randy Evans. We will post the audio from the remaining teachings on Friday or Saturday. Just click the play button to load and play the teaching. Alternatively you can right-click the link underneath the audio player and download the recording.
Tuesday 2011 Camp Olypics & Luau
Monday 2011 Prisoner’s Base & More

Today was our first full day of camp. The weather has cooled down about 10 degrees and campers’ spirits are high. This morning the first teaching was given by Fr. James Ellison on “What is Good?”, and the second teaching block was reserved for “bishop in the hotseat” featuring Bishop Nathaniel. Both teachings were very informative and the campers were engaged and attentive. Counseling groups got officially underway, during which campers were able to discuss the teachings and anything else on their minds in a smaller group setting.