Author Archives: CROMS
Official Summer Camp 2013 Photos
Wednesday & Thursday Picture Extravaganza!

Wednesday and Thursday at camp brought us the coolest weather we’ve had in a decade, just in time for some Virginia Reel dancing and our annual No Talent Night! We heard teachings from Randy Evans and Maria Weir on Wednesday and the older campers spent Thursday morning at Mitchell Manor – a nursing and assisted living home in nearby Mitchell, IN. All of the staff and older campers sang several songs and played a few rousing rounds of bingo with the residents before heading back to Camp Rivervale for afternoon canoeing, wall climbing, and No Talent Night preparations. Here are several photos from … Continue reading
Camp Olympics & Luau

Despite the threat of severe weather in the afternoon, the clouds lifted and the sun came out, followed by a cooling breeze just in time for this year’s Camp Olympics. Earlier in the day, all of the Jr. High Girls had the chance to climb the challenge tower and go down the zip line. The days activities ended with the always anticipated Luau and Pool Party, setup and run by our dear frinds David Becker and Bob Abel from St. John the Forerunner church in Indianapolis. Thanks to Bob & David and the Rivervale staff for a great day! … Continue reading
Monday & Tuesday Picture Blitz!
Monday Teachings
Prisoners Base!!!!

Monday afternoon was a BLAST! Unsure if the rain would hold out, the staff made a quick decision to have dancing tonight. So we practiced our moves to prepare quickly. Then we play Prisoners Base, which is an all time favorite camp game. Afterwards we had some delicious watermelon, and played some more. Then off to bed we went for yet another day of what is Summer Camp 2013.
Monday, Monday, Monday Mornin’

Monday morning was a fantastic time with an opening session with the Senior High Campers by Father Joel Weir while the younger kids went to separate teachings led by their counselors. Father Joel gave a great talk about what love is and how the world perceives love and uses it to embellish the true meaning of love. After lunch the campers went out to have fun and see what Rivervale had in store. The video down below shows some of the activities in which they participated. Enjoy!
Summer Camp 2013: Day One

The start of camp came and finished with a lot of fun, entertainment, and campers excited about the week ahead. We started the week with some new icebreakers, which shocked high school campers who were used to traditional camp games. Pizza was then served, and led into a vibrant time of praise that was truly amazing. Afterwards campers were led back to the cabins, where they had time for more cabin bonding, unpacking and dorm devotions with some of the priests that are with us this week. The priests also took the time to bless the cabins, and then it … Continue reading
Ready! Set! Go!

Saint John’s Camp 2013 is officially on the go! Four o’clock is here and campers have started trickling in for this years fun in the sun. Here is some of the fun things that the staffers did the night before in preparation for the arrival of the campers. The second half of the first video shows the “glass is half full” attitude engendered by our amazing staff, who, after having to miss out on the much anticipated “staff swim” due to thunderstorms, decided to put some soap on the rain covered slip n’ slide and enjoy themselves anyway. 🙂 Thanks … Continue reading